Previous Presidents

Beloit College developed from the vision of seven New Englanders, 当他们在切萨皮克号轮船的一间客舱里相遇时,这一愿景开始成形, crossing Lake Erie in early summer 1844.

他们的计划导致了一系列的四次大会,包括伊利诺伊州北部和威斯康星州南部的神职人员和俗人. 这些参与者被称为“教育之友”,他们聚集在一起考虑一所前沿大学的录取通知书.

The Friends of Education accepted an offer of $7,000 in supplies, materials, 劳动, and a small amount of cash from the village of Beloit. This was the backbone of the College’s corporeal form. 第三届和第四届年会的成员选出了一个保管委员会. 董事会成员通过了一份章程,并于2月11日由威斯康辛州立法机关颁布成为法律. 2, 1846.

The foundation for Middle College, 芝加哥西北部最古老的学院建筑,仍在持续进行学术运作, was laid in 1847, and classes began that fall. The College conferred its first degrees in 1851.


Aaron Lucius Chapin was Beloit's first college president.

Aaron Lucius Chapin

1st President (1849 to 1886)

The College’s early curriculum was cast mainly in the Yale mold. Aratus Kent, chairman of the Beloit College board of trustees, and the first faculty members, Jackson J. 布什内尔和约瑟夫·爱默生,在另一位耶鲁毕业生之前,用耶鲁砂浆建造了一个坚固的外壳, Aaron Lucius Chapin, accepted Beloit’s first presidency in December 1849. He served until 1886, 在他担任校长期间,学院因其卓越的学术成就而广为人知.

Edward Dwight Eaton

Edward Dwight Eaton

2nd President (1886-1905, 1907-1917)

From its beginning, 学院既具有坚实的古典传统,又喜欢在课程上进行创新和实验. The administration of Edward Dwight Eaton, Beloit’s second president, 见证了古典基础课程中增加的哲学课程, including new emphasis on the sciences. A course in evolution was offered as early as the 1890s, 因此,学生在选课方面有了更大的自由. Beloit enrolled its first women students in 1895.

Melvin Brannon

3rd President (1917-1923)

新的课程和其他创新,包括家政学和新闻学,在他的领导下蓬勃发展 Melvin Brannon’s administration after World War I. 在布兰农时代,学院的捐赠资产大幅增长,并对物理工厂进行了翻新.


Irving Maurer

4th President (1924-1942)

Irving Maurer 1924年回到母校担任校长,直到1942年去世. 与19世纪90年代一样,1927年至1933年是一个非凡的建筑时代. 毛雷尔总统的政府也重新重视文科和精神价值, and continued resistance to the post-war demand for the “practical.”

Beloit College President Cary Croneis, 1945.

Carey Croneis

5th President (1944-1954)

After a period of more than two years, 第二次世界大战导致入学人数急剧减少,并带来了许多其他问题, Carey Croneis became president in 1944. 在贝罗伊特的第五任总统执政的九年里,退伍军人涌入,入学人数超过1人,000, 更多的建筑和其他校园改善也完成了. As Beloit celebrated its centennial, 克罗内斯校长指出,学院已经发展成为“充满活力的教育男子气概,超越了查平校长所设想的一切。.”

Miller Upton, the sixth president of Beloit College.

Miller Upton

6th President (1954-1975)

The administration of Miller Upton他的特点是长时间的强化自学. This led to a series of far-reaching curricular changes, 包括招生人数增长到伯洛伊特历史上的最高水平,以及物理工厂的广泛发展. This building period included a new library, science center, performing arts center, anthropology building, and seven new residential buildings. 学院的“世界观”课程于1960年开始,至今仍在继续. The innovative “Beloit Plan” of year-round education, introduced in 1964, brought increased national recognition to the College, 这个独特的课程项目的许多元素今天也在继续.

Martha Peterson was Beloit's seventh college president.

Martha Peterson

7th President (1975-1981)

Beloit’s seventh president, Martha Peterson, 她于1975年秋天就职,直到1981年退休, when she was named president emerita. 在来到伯洛伊特之前,她曾担任巴纳德学院(Barnard College)院长八年,并曾任美国教育委员会(American Council on Education)主席. 在她的就职演说中,她请求“所有热爱和尊重这所历史悠久的大学的人帮助我们高举我们传统的旗帜。, our liberal arts commitment and our daring to be different.”

During the late 1970s, the College responded effectively to problems of smaller enrollments, 学生兴趣模式的改变和通货膨胀经济的需求. A traditional two-semester academic year was restored, extra-curricular life enhanced, 完成校园改造,扩大捐赠资源. A long-range plan for the 1980s also was developed.

Roger Hull

8th President (1981-1990)

Roger Hull was elected as Beloit’s eighth president in 1981. During his administration, 入学人数逐年增加,捐赠额达到历史最高水平. Annual fund raising and alumni support also reached record highs. 与此同时,重要的新学术和职业咨询项目也被引入. The Hull years saw accelerated plant improvements, including new facilities for music and economics, extensive renovation of residence halls, 建立一个新的校园中心和体育健身中心,并耗资数百万美元翻新图书馆. 1990年,赫尔离开学校,担任纽约联合学院(Union College)院长.

Victor E. Ferrall, Jr.

9th President (1991-2000)

Victor E. Ferrall, Jr. was named Beloit College’s ninth president in 1991. A lawyer with a passionate commitment to liberal education, he presided over the College’s 150th Anniversary celebration, 其中包括成功完成一亿美元的百周年纪念运动. During his tenure, 学院的捐赠增加了一倍多,十大菠菜台子承担了其历史上最大的物理工厂重建项目之一. Both College Museums, residence halls, academic facilities in Morse-Ingersoll and Smith halls, and sports facilities at Strong Stadium, underwent major renovation. A state-of-the-art fiber optic network was installed, Karris Field和The Beloit Poetry Garden被添加到校园中.

约翰·E. 伯

10th President (2000-2008)

约翰·E. 伯, director of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, 质量, became the College’s 10th president in 2000. 在他任职期间,学院增加了11个职位,申请人数增加了65%. 哈利摩尔联排别墅和两座新联排别墅的建设以及学院公园历史街区的几次重大翻新增加了额外的住房. 制定了校园总体规划,其中包括收购爱默生街的西部部分以及学院和克莱里街的部分. Construction began on the Sanger Center for the Sciences in 2007.

President Scott Bierman

Scott Bierman

11th President (2009-2023)

Scott Bierman brought a 14-year legacy of vision, financial stability, innovation, 以及冷静地带领校园度过全球流行病的领导力.

Bierman put a COVID-19 safety and health plan in place early, 有远见地把一个废弃的发电站改造成“发电站”吗, a hive of student recreation, athletics, and learning, and strengthened the college’s financial position.

Taking up the financial reins during a recession, Bierman reduced nearly all of the college’s external debt, streamlining operating expenses, and increasing net-tuition revenue.

Under Bierman’s leadership, 学院的高级辅导计划(AMP)和体验式学习计划获得了高分, including in the 2022-23 U.S. 新闻 & World Report rankings. He was also the leader behind Impact Beloit, 哪一个将于2024年秋季开放,并扩大学院以社区为基础的学习和职业准备计划, 并与更大的伯洛伊特社区提供资源和合作伙伴关系.

On campus, Bierman was well known for his sincerity and humor, 甚至给一年级学生送了一双标志性的乌龟吉祥物袜子——这是比尔曼的传统.

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